We lost two great personages in one week:
Queen Elizabeth II
Mikhail Gorbachev
And there I was, in the old Bach choir again, not in the bass section but among the tenors now, singing away and reaching all the high notes.
How appropriate, that Putin used half of Hitler's swastika Z as his war emblem.
We stand by and watch Putin, singlehandedly, provoke World War III.
“It is obvious that we had no other choice.”
We gave so little consideration to a bolder attempt to stop Putin. We spent years pleading with him and threatened with sanctions. He scoffed at them.
"We did not attack Ukraine."
They told us that the Pope was infallible.
He thought that Holy Mother the Church was more important than the victims who were abused in it.
They told us to look at Supreme Court Justice Neil Gorsuch not wearing a mask, while all the other Justices are wearing theirs.Getty Images
They told us that they were the real American patriots.
The really meaningful things in life are said softly.
Don't get vaccinated. Ever.
We set the clocks back an hour last night and enjoyed the extra sleep, but the neighborhood dogs were up at their regular hour and were whining and barking for relief.
Beware of Moslems.
Trump taught us how to create reality just by saying, over and over again, that a thing exists.
They say that the Reds and the Blues are moving to areas in the USA where they can live separated from one another.
Last Sunday, three lanes on the German Autobahn with back-to-back traffic for 100 miles, moving at 40 m.p.h.. No trucks allowed.
Today I saw a white and bluish field of daisies and cornflowers with a red poppy here and there, swaying in the breeze.
How obvious are the deficits of our enlightened, high-priced American education. Educated cavemen of conspiracies we are.
[My students liked this prayer before class:]
Father, we thank Thee for the night,
And for the blessed morning light.
For rest and food, and loving care,
And all that makes the world so fair.
Help us to do the things we should,
To be to others, kind and good.
In all we do, in all we say,
To grow more loving every day.
Truth has become a radio or a TV station.
Spring came.
The ice melted,
Flowers refused to show,
The birds skirted round.
from: The Auschwitz Poetry
The told us . . that they were devising laws to deprive certain American citizens of their right to vote.
Hitler survived impeachment, then committed suicide.
They told us, cowards that they were, that Trump had not incited the Insurrection on Jan. 6.
The Ex-President has left too many wounded or dead lying on his battlefield.