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Showing posts with label Flowers. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Flowers. Show all posts

Monday, February 06, 2023

In the Cold of Winter ~

Photo: Brigitte Nake-Mann

Snowdrops in January, Grosser Tiergarten, Berlin 

Friday, August 06, 2021

Walk Along the Field ~

Today I saw a white and bluish field of daisies and cornflowers with a red poppy here and there, swaying in the breeze.

Saturday, May 28, 2016

Bounty ~

The lilacs are so profuse this year that, 
when I open my window near the bush, 
their sweet scent comes flooding in.

Thursday, April 07, 2016

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Summer's End ~

At our door the leaves are yellow and falling, the flowers bloom no more.
Autumn has crept in.

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Words ~

She turned to me and said: did you ever notice? Flowers don't speak.

Thursday, August 07, 2008

Easing Pain ~

He was old and bent over so badly that all he could see on his walks were the flowers along the path.

Saturday, July 26, 2008

Weed among the Roses ~

In the middle of our roses a weed has grown tall and exotic to become my most prized flower.

Friday, May 30, 2008

Wonder ~

Why did this beautiful, single red poppy blossom right in front of my study window without my planting it there?

Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Morning Visit

The red ball of rising sun shone across our lawn this morning to a bowl of geraniums at the dining room window and lit them with a soft, heated glow. During breakfast we felt their warmth and couldn't help but marvel at their radiant beauty.

Friday, August 17, 2007

Butler, Pennsylvania ~

Stood at gravesites of mother and father. There are no flowers. Just grass. They are alone. Nearby, our obelisk. There is room for me and my family. The question arises: Here? Or there?

Friday, December 15, 2006

Tom's Passing ~ One Year Ago ~

It has been a year now since we buried Tom. I visited his grave today and took flowers to his wife. I visit the gravesite often. Always bringing my problems and needs there and I stand and listen to what he has to say. I feel he is looking out for me, just like in the old days.

Friday, October 20, 2006

Cosmic Order Restored ~

Yesterday morning at 7 a.m. I drove to a field of flowers nearby. You cut whatever flowers you want and drop a few coins in a metal container on leaving. I wanted a bouquet of zinnias for my wife's birthday. This morning I discovered that my expensive flower shears were missing and thought I might have left them there. If that were the case, there would hardly be a chance that they were there, but I drove back anyway. Low and behold, there they were right in the middle of the path where I had left them. How many people had been there and not seen them, God only knows!

Friday, June 09, 2006

Should Little Things Hurt So Much? ~

That sinking feeling I had yesterday when I saw that the zinnia and calendula I had planted and had been nursing along since sowing the seeds in April were gone. The snails had visited overnight and had destroyed most of the batch.

Wednesday, June 07, 2006

Out in the Fields ~

It was on a hillside, a beautiful long meadow where the wild orchids were in full bloom. Our group admired them at the side of the path and then ventured into the fields deeper to get pictures and get a close view. An expert told us about the many varieties and the dangers from pesticides and acids. You felt as if they were now yours if you were able to identify them and name them.

I felt the elusiveness of the beauty of flowers. It is for us to see, to enjoy, but their beauty remains apart from us. It belongs to God alone, and He is beyond all possession.

Sunday, May 28, 2006

World at the Window ~

Standing at my window in my study I can view our yard at eye level. What all can be seen there as the months pass! One foot away I have the most beautiful columbine that has shot up between the flagstones.

Wednesday, May 03, 2006

Walk in the Woods ~

Every now and then one realizes things in a whole new light. For example, the notion that nature in all its forms is a being that is totally independent and that it exists all by itself and needs no help from man. Trees and flowers and birds and insects are givens. Literally given to us. One is astounded when one realizes that obvious fact fully.

Wednesday, December 14, 2005

As If He Were Still There ~

Made my way back to Tom's house this morning. Delivered a note of sympathy from my wife. Told Alice how much I admired her loving perseverence during the long ordeal. A short embrace. Then I went to the cemetery and stood looking at the pile of earth with flowers on it. Numb.