When the light breaks through, when our hearts beat with yours Tamara dear, then we know that we too have been refined by the fires of Auschwitz you knew for our lives have changed, having learned from you and your hands' work what faith, hope and love can do.
We corresponded, each encouraging the other to focus on Auschwitz in our art, to keep Auschwitz alive in people's memory, especially in the young. [click "Labels" below]
Dear Charles, Hopefully everything is ok in your part of the world. However, the growing anti-semitism in Germany and the rest of Europe does not make me very happy.
I wrote to a selection of different places with the emails you gave to me but nobody answered. In my opinion it does not fit the Europe I knew, even when the answer is in the negative, but this was apparently the world of yesterday. I am learning every day not to have expectactions and just be thankful for what I have and what comes.
I hope that you are in a creative period. New events are happening all of the time in the world and in the lives of individuals and especially for people who are creating. I want to share with you a new site of my art of 2006 with some of the poetry I have written. I am together with an American sculptor who in my opinion is doing unusual works having to do with the Holocaust and the journey of souls to another dimension. http://etherealjourney.com/ I hope to hear from you. Warm regards, Tamara
Dear Charles, People are saying the when the guns are firing the muse is silent. In my case, apparently, it is not true. I am happy that it was not taken away from me and my soul is continuing to express herself. I hope that your soul finds the way to full expression. Reading the Bible always gives me inspiration. Years I am reading several verses every day and the reading gives me strength and continuation.
Thank you for remembering me and thinking of me. Warmly, Tamara
Thank you Charles for your letter. What could be more meaningful for a creator than what you have said to me.
I was never thinking about lecturing because I never wanted to talk about the subject. All that I am thankful for is to have the ability to transfer it the way I do.
About the recognition, it may be as my granddaughter once told me, 'people are going to recognize you after your death'. So maybe she is right and if my stories and my creation are strong enough, this is going to be sufficient to transfer a view of this tragic event in history in the twentieth century which was experienced by me.
I have started to work these days on the addresses you gave to me. I hope to have some positive response.
Thank you again. No words can express my gratitude. Tamara
Dear Charles, I am listening to your advice and creating a lot and refreshing the knowledge of my soul. I feel more and more lately that in my painting there are actually souls - soul conversations, agreements, disagreements, stories - sad or happy. So maybe I am bringing the souls in my paintings back to life. Do you think that it is possible?
I wrote two new poems (of a sort) and one which is on my site but I had it re-translated. I would be very honored if you would read them.
About the other sites you gave to me, these days I am going to try to have some answers.
I hope that you are okay. and that your creations are flowing through you and it will not take a long time before I will have the opportunity to read them.
Dear Charles, I hope that my letter is finding you in high spirits even though all of the events in the world are not making humanity feel so cheerful. Anyway, that is what I feel.
I have a big favor to ask and I hope that I am not bothering you. I will never forget that you helped me with the Auschwitz museum. Without you I would not have sent my art to this place. Time in general is limited and I have so much to accomplish. What scares me is that I do not have much time. I came to the realization this year that to purify my soul the paintings should be shown in Germany also. I do not know to whom to turn or what to say. Some places around the world, when I approached them with my art, did not even answer. Europe is not any more the world of yesterday of Stefan Zweig.
I hope that you are in your creative period. I am creating with a slightly different perspective which brings me a lot of satisfaction. I am not a person who thinks about time, dates and numbers. It was never important to me. But when I start feeling the limits, I start thinking about the end of time.
I am sorry to bother you. I would be very glad if you could help me with a name of something else. I wish you a nice summer. Warmly, Tamara
Dear Charles, It is hard for me to express the feelings I have when reading your poem because it is very emotional for me. A deep and incredible poem. Thank you sending it to me. I think that you . . . I am sending you two of my pictures. They are not the latest but I wanted you to see them. You are blessed, Tamara