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Monday, November 07, 2005

Pleasing to God

Reading a book about Francis of Assisi by Nikos Kazantzakis. He is portrayed as a merciless ascetic. Hammering down the body until it was ruined, rejecting every human pleasure. Is that the way for us to become saints? Francis knew a loving God. He must certainly have known he would be saved by that love, not by all such efforts of his own.


cmae said...

Was St. Francis suffering for himself or for others, that their sufferings might be less?

Charles said...

I wonder, Cheri. Maybe I have to do my own suffering. People who are trying to be saints shouldn't have to think that they have to prefer suffering, should they? Bernard of Clairvaux thought they should. After finding Christ his fasting brought on a case of anorexia that almost killed him. His abbot had to force him to eat. [By the way, I had a look at your homepage and was impressed. Keep it going!]