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Monday, August 21, 2006

Where is God? ~

I can still hear the old monk saying: if you love God you will see him everywhere -- in the people around you and in all of nature.


myosotis said...

This is so true Charles. And we must not be selective, choosing where and in whom to see Him. He is in everything and everyone, even those who deny him, or who live lives that we don't approve.

myosotis said...

"a strong reminder of His lesson contained in a concise (yet pithy) two-liner"
My sentiments exactly Ccheryl! Charles is a master at that!
I think I've been away from the States too long...I don't know the meaning of pithy, although I can deduce it. Can anyone give me a hand? Is it just a blogging term or can it be used in other contexts?

And Charles, it's about time you posted another picture of Elias Benedict, wouldn't you say?

Anonymous said...

He Whom you seek has already found you.

Anonymous said...

so true and God is so wonderful blessings to you


Anonymous said...

'pithy' is something that is brief and concise, yet 'heavy duty' and strong in meaning.
The word is often used in conversation other than online.

myosotis said...

Thanks Ccheryl. Your definition is pithy...