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Friday, July 16, 2010

De Diligendo Deo ~

Why do You drive me crazy by planting Your love in me and then frustrating me by not even letting me know who You are? Let alone not being able to get close.


Anonymous said...

Theologians call him the "obscure" God.

Anonymous said...

God has shown you His face - the face of Jesus Christ. He has made known His love for you by dying on the Cross to obtain forgiveness for your sins. He has promised you everlasting life by conquering death and rising from the dead.

He did not leave you orphan. He is present in the tabernacle in the form of Bread and Wine. You find Him in His Church, in His words and His deeds, among the saints, among true believers.

Knock and the door will open for you. Search and you shall find. Ask and it will be given you. Our God is a most generous God. You only need to pray to get to know Him.