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Friday, March 31, 2006

Floating with God ~

Early Irish monks had an unusual way of doing God's will. They would get into a small boat and let it float to wheresoever. . . Now that sounds strange, but somehow I like the idea of floating with God.


because said...

getting into the straight chair in front of the easel, facing a large sheet of paper and a new bottle of paynes grey felt like that. . . floating in a small boat aimlessly . . . what will happen will happen and I began wetting the page with a soaked paper towel and then took brush and dipped into paint and had at it. . .floating to where ever it took me this straight chair in front of my easel . there's an image with faces as usual, already. I wait for them to tell me where to go nextThe monks had the right idea.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for coming up with this idea. Just hearing it stated had meaning for me.

Anonymous said...

As long as when you get to wheresoever, you let all who are there know who brought you and why.
So they too can float to wheresoever and let all know who brought them and they too can float etc ...