One wonderful week of singing, mornings and afternoons with a random group of men and women interested in voice training and choral performance. Gave two concerts at the end. Having to part last night was heartbreaking.
There is something about working in a group that gives you the feeling that you can do what is required. It is so much easier than when one has to do it alone. . . but then there was that tiny nagging need for recognition, that little sign of approval.
Well, that's only human too, Charles. Performers and artists share their God-given gifts generously, and they should be thanked.
Some highlights of the concerts:
Missa brevis en sol: Theodore Dubois
Sanctus - Benedictus: William Lloyd Webber
I Will Follow Him: J.W. Stole [Sister Act]
Now is the Month of Maying: Thomas Morley
. . . and you guessed it, Cheryl:
Ecce Gratum: Carl Orff [Carmina Burana]
God is Creator and being made in His image and likeness, we are also expected to create. Well done, good and faithful servant!
Yes, Cheryl, we really did sing it. Very peppy and infectuous. The audience roared applause. I had trouble articulating the words and substituted a lot of do-dos.
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